Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jack is back........again !

It is my turn to bore you with our ongoing adventures of life here in Mexico !
We have kept reasonably well since arriving here in November, although last week I was kept awake one night with a toothache,so next morning I made a visit to one of the local dentists who took an x-ray of the tooth in question and informed me that I had previously had had a root canal performed on that tooth many years ago,and which was now absessed at its base.
The dentist started to drill out the old filling ,but had to stop because the filling used at that time many years ago was metal and I would have to see a specialist who had the proper equipment to remove this and let it drain and clean out before filling it again. I met with the specialist who assured me that she would remove it using laser, meanwhile ,I was given a supply of antibiotics to be taken for the next five days.........I hate the thought of dentists !
I had a bad experience last week, I play bridge every Monday afternoon with my partner Wally,
there are usually 10 or 12 tables at play and half way through one of the gents just slumped in his chair and died on the was very upsetting to say the least.
Tomorrow morning, Sunday which will be the first of February, we will attend open circle followed by brunch at one of our many favorite restaurants, and for the rest of the after noon we will play bridge, and booze it up with a couple of our other good friends who also hail from Halifax, and then we will go out for dinner and booze it up some more...what a life!

Jack's Latest Artwork.

I am trying to work with the pictures I've downloaded from my camera. You see a couple of weeks ago I lost my camera. I was heartbroken. I figured I was not to capture anymore images of Mexico, since our camera was stolen last year! So it was quite a shock when Jack gave me an early birthday present.....and it was a new Sony camera identical to the old one! He and Maggie conspired and she brought this one with her from Halifax. I am so touched that Jack did this. I don't deserve another camera.....but I promise to take extra special care of this one!!

We were thrilled when Maggie announced she was coming for a week's visit. Brian couldn't get away as he was planning a huge conference. But Maggie brought a virus with her and was ill almost the whole week. So disappointing for all of us. Anyway, she is a trooper and we did have fun anyway. She left yesterday and we miss her so.....

As you can see from these pictures Jack is continuing to improve with his art work. These are Pastels. He is fascinated with faces isn't he??

It is hard to believe half our stay is over. We have three more months here. We miss our Halifax friends and I particularly miss my 98 year old Dad. But we don't miss the cold winter in Canada. Even Vancouver, where Jacquie and Mars live has been cold. My pal, Doreen who lives in Richmond, B.C. is looking forward to going to the beach in Mexico in a couple of weeks. Usually winters in B.C. are mild....but not this year. We had a couple of cold nights here but it is Spring now. Our nights are down to about 10C and the days warm up to 25C so it is quite pleasant.

We are off to a couple of concerts this month. On Tuesday we will see and hear a Duo playing Latin-American music for two guitars. They will do "Four Seasons" by the great Argentine composer Astor Piazolla and a new arrangement for two guitars of Bizet's "Carmen Suite". We have season tickets with Barb and Wally so we will have dinner out first, no doubt, and then go to the concert. Always a pleasant evening.....

On Monday Sonia Breeze, from Dartmouth arrives and then a few days later Madeline, from Halifax and Carol from Toronto arrive. So a busy social scene is about to begin!!

Hope I will be better at keeping up this Blog in the future. I don't want to be repetitious! I'll let Jack make the next entry. Until then we send you warm wishes from Ajijic, Mexico.

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Friday, January 16, 2009


Where does the time go? I dunno. But the winter is flying by. I know the winter "up north" is c-c-o-l-d so I won't go on about the rain we had late yesterday afternoon and through this is the first time we have seen rain here! Our wonderful friends, Wally and Barb came to our rescue so that we might attend a dinner party given by our other Nova Scotia friends, Kay and Paul Fraser from Kentville. They had invited us for dinner, which is only a 10 minute walk from our place but it was poring when it was time to go. We were unable to get any taxi company to answer their phones so Barb, Wally and Bijou(their darling dog) came to drive us. I mean.....are these wonderful friends....or what!!!

TODAY....another exciting day in Ajijic. Jack went off to his art class. I attended a lecture at LCS which was directed at new comers. How to avoid the pitfalls whether you are renting or buying. The moderator was a very funny Canadian lass who was as amusing as informative. There is such an interesting bunch of people here.....

Tomorrow, we have several folks getting together here first for cocktails and then we shall head next door for a program of music and magic, and gawd knows what....this is Jack's idea!! I'll report later.

We have tickets for several concerts this season and last Tuesday it was two Mexican Pianists of
Russian decent. I thought they were terrific. They preform in the U.S., Asia and Europe. One of my least favorite composers is Claude Debussy (1862-1918) but at their capable hands I even enjoyed this part of the program. After intermission they performed the suite from the ballet Icarus.....I love this. They obliged with two encores......all in all a very pleasant evening spent
with Barb and Wally.

It is easy to get caught up in the social scene here. It is more difficult to focus on the wonderful Mexicans with their sometimes bizarre customs. This month we are trying to find a balance. Jack promises to make an entry tomorrow.......We await our dear friend Maggie's visit next Thursday. A full report will follow!!!