Monday, December 31, 2007

Our Version of a Christmas Tree.

Grandson Matthew wearing "spy glasses".

Granddaughter Meggie wearing her Christmas Stocking......Mum getting fortified with her morning Cafe.

Our Jack o Christmas Morning.....even though the camera says Dec.24th.!!

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The End of 2007

So this is New years Eve in Mexico. We had not planned on much of a celebration but yesterday at L.C.S. (Lake Chapala Society) we met a delightful couple from Nova Scotia. Cathy and Gary MacKenzie. They called this morning to say they had made dinner reservations at "Manix" for the four of us ! How nice. We are to go to their home first for drinks and then we shall all walk to the restaurant. Good to be in the middle of the village sometimes. Manix is offering the following: Hors D'Ouevres, Cesar salad, Squash blossom soupa, Lobster Tail or Prime Rib, Baked Alaska, a glass of Campagne and 12 Grapes (I'll explain that in a minute) all for $30.00 Can. per person. Music and dancing included. So we shall see..... here are some of the Mexican traditions for tonight:

If you are weary of the single life don your red panties for love and passion in the coming year!! I like that one.

The men will doll up in natty attire and be free of debt today with a bundle of cash in their pockets.. Some vow donning both a well-worn clothing item and a brand new one will guarantee good luck. This strategy will assure a man that he will remain well dressed and flush through the coming year. (I guess the women don't need this kind of "hope"!)

Other customs: white is chosen to bring good health. Yellow for wealth and abundance. Red for that passion and love!

The 12 Grapes:
As the clock chimes midnight you make a wish while popping each grape into your mouth. (I'll try this one and see how many of you come to visit!)

Another custom..the Ladder:
It's traditional to climb up a ladder and jump to the ground on the last stroke of the clock, leaving behind all negative things with a literal leap into the New Year! I'll pass on that one as appealing as the outcome sounds.

And One More:
Parents often press a few coins or bills into their children's hands as midnight approaches to assure that the little ones get the New year off to a prosperous start! Like that one. Daddy???

Like people everywhere around the globe we and some Mexicans will toast each other with a glass of bubbly .and share hugs and good wishes all round.

However you all chose to celebrate the arrival of 2008 Jack and I wish all of you a year blessed with health, prosperity and happiness. Happy New Year.

Friday, December 28, 2007

See Pictures Below today's entry......
Christmas morning:
Kerry admiring her Monkey P.J.'s while meggie looks on.
Jack in the kitchen...where else?
Our the bedroom. They are called bovida!

Post Christmas

Hi Folks,
Well, our daughter Kerry, Eric, her husband, our Grandson, Matthew and our Granddaughter Meggie from Boston left today. Boo Hoo.
Also our son, Scott and his delightful wife, Tanya left at the same time for Orange County, California.
It is a very QUIET house!! So I am knee deep in laundry. The maids come tomorrow and they will clean up...they don't do laundry! How spoiled we are......

Christmas was interesting here in Mexico. A very religious holiday. We improvised with a potted palm tree which Meghan and Tanya and Matthew made paper decorations. Our light man, Eric attached the twinkling lights. I'm NEVER going to un-decorate it!! However, Eric suggested we string the lights along the upstairs balcony and maybe by New Years we will do that.

Christmas morning found the children opening a lot electronic toys (which I don't understand) and Mexican candy and then fun gifts. Tanya had a theme going with really cute P.J's for the "gals". Scott and Eric made lattes . Jack got the warm crusty rolls from our "corner store" which is not on a corner. We all enjoyed watching each other opening their gifts. Our "guests" were very generous and thoughtful with their gifts to Jack and to me.

Christmas dinner found us at the Hotel Nuevo Passada. This hotel was built in the 30's by an Englishman and is quite elegant. It is right on Lake Chapala. As we don't have a car it was just a short walk away. I was impressed that they were able to have a Traditional English Christmas dinner. Turkey, mashed potatoes, red cabbage, two kinds of squash and of course stuffing and gravy. They even did English fruit pudding with a Brandy Hard Sauce , which nobody but Jack liked!! Just too much food. Oh, I almost forgot....the dinner started with salmon pate and crackers followed by a Tomato bisque (I think) soup and hot croissants. The meal ended with coffee and liqueur. Quite a feat for Mexican chefs and waiters. Wine flowed freely and it was nice not to have to worry about anyone driving. Advantages to everything huh?

Now we have New Years to celebrate!! No plans yet. How about you?
Until next time.....back to laundry!

Kidz Gone.....

28 December 2007
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Pictures of family

26 December 2007
No time to write.....but wanted to puplish these pictures.
First one: Mexican cowboy son.
Second : Jack enjoying a coctail on the terrace with the gang.
Third : Daughter kerry....eating, drinking, reading and thinking?
Forth : Hummingbirds enjoying the feeder Jack installed for them.
That's it for today. Busy playing "Uno" with the children. Need to go back to yesterday and tell you about Christmas day. Until then......

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve. 24 December 2007

Hi Everyone. Firstly let us wish you a very Happy Christmas to you and yours.

We have the family here and it is very busy. Today, they are all off exploring and Jack and I are enjoying some "quiet time". We are having a great time with all of them and I think they are relating well to one another. It has been almost six years since Kerry and Scott have seem each other. Matthew (the 15yr. old) is so like Scott in looks and temperment it is quite amazing to the rest of us. Little Meggie (11 yr.old) is keeping up with the poker games, the crib games and anything else they throw at her!

Yesterday a lovely couple who we met at yet another party invited us all to her house for a cocktail party. The "boyz" wanted to watch the football game (in Spanish) so Kerry, Tanya, Jack and I went to the party. Another spectacular house owned by yet another Canadian couple (B.C.) who have moved here permanently. We schomsed and drank wine and ate scrumptious finger food. Then we came home and picked up the rest of the gang and went to the main plaza to eat dinner under the stars.

This morning Jack and I went to a local gallery to buy a piece of local art. We couldn't decide between three pieces so.....we bought them all! They are lovely little water colours, painted here, and depicting scenes we see every day. Getting them home in one piece (no, three!) will be Jacko's challenge.

Meggie and her Dad have lit and decorated the potted palm tree in the dining room. At least 30 years ago I remember doing this in Florida with my children as they insisted on a "Christmas" tree.

Tonight we will go to the Plaza to see what the locals are up too and join in if possible. The nativity scenes are depicted with LIVE babies and animals we are told. I'll talk about that tomorrow.

May all of you enjoy the season and do whatever puts joy in your hearts.
Feliz Navidad!
Kate and Jack
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Friday, December 21, 2007

Update to dec.21st.

Just to let you know who our visitors are spending Xmas with us, We have Kate's daughter Kerry from Boston with her husband Eric and two children,14 year old Matthew and 10 year old Meaghan. Also we have her son Scott and his wife Tanya ,both from California..So you see,we have one big happy family!!!!!!

Mexican Children's Party

21 December 2007

Today my Dad is 97yrs. old. A party is planned! I am so sorry to be missing it. However, we all sang and talked to him this morning by phone.

Yesterday a Nova Scotia couple gave this big party for "the poorest of the poor" children in our neighbourhood. Kerry, Meggie and I went to help. Some of the Mum's were there as well as one Granny. The children were so well grateful...and beautiful. They ranged in ages from 4-19yrs. We played games. Then we fed the lot of them B-B-qued chicken, rice and veggies, tortillas and roasted potatoes. Then the pinatas came out! The candy and fruits were in a clay pot buried under layers of colourful paper decorations. There were two donkeys and one "traditional" seven pointed star-shaped one. The seven points represent the seven deadly sins! The candy inside the clay pot stands for the pleasures Satan offers us to attract us to the underworld. The blindfolded child represents blind faith, which is charged with destroying evil. The stick used to break the pinata is a symbol of Christian goodness.The breaking of the pinata symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. The shower of candy and fruit is indicative of the good life. And I used to think it was far too much violence for children and encouraged greed!! Shows what I knew!! So after all this activity it was time to give each child a gift package, more candy, popcorn and nuts to send them all home on a sugar high!! It was then time for us to have a cocktail!! Several in fact! Anyway, it was really good for my Granddaughter to see how these kids celebrate Christmas. Now I should really go Xmas. shopping. I've nothing done!

We wish you all happy Christmas preparations and remember to do the things you really enjoy doing at this busy season.

another gorgeous day in paradise

Jack is back!
Well the family have all arrived so we have a full house with eight bodies. Not easy getting everyone going in the morning, Kerry and I are usually first ones up in the morning around 7. 30am. when Kerry gets the coffee brewed and we have some quiet time before the onslaught! the rest of the gang start filtering through one at a time until the last of the brood appears,usually the kids by 11.30am.! so by noon some are trying to grab breakfast while the early birds are thinking about lunch. All the ladies ,Kate,Kerry,Tanya and Meaghan just left to go for manicures and pedicures. We all went out to one of our favourite restaurants last night for dinner where we had a bottle of both red and white wines plus beers and margueritas to get us in the mood! the food was excellent,Kate and I had rack of lamb,the others had a mix of steaks and pastas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Some pictures of our little abode......

The first shows the name of the house and the little "animal" is a downspout where I routinely drown people walking by.

The others are of the front garden and a wall "pool".

Inside this is the front hallway where Mexican paper flowers bloom.

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Never on a Sunday.....


17 December 2007

Hi All,
Well yesterday was another interesting day in Ajijic for Jack and me. (I?) Where is my high school teacher.

The LCS (Lake Chapala Society) has an "Open Circle" on Sunday morning. First you drink coffee or tea, eat delicious sandwiches and cookies and then chat to whoever you find yourself standing next to. Then there are announcements. Then a short meditation.....Jack can't handle this part.....and then a guest speaker. Well yesterday it was a resident (ex-pat) from the US. She has been living here full time for 17 years. She told us about Mexican Christmas customs which explained a lot of questions I had.

This is the start of "Posada"- Christmas Procession. It is carried out everyday now until Christmas Eve. It symbolizes the journey Joseph and Mary made to find an inn where Mary could give birth to the Christ child. "Joseph" usually in a green robe and yellow head dress leads a docile burro. Riding the burro is "Mary" in virgin blue and white. The entourage is on pilgrimage winding back and forth through the streets of Ajijic for almost an hour. They stop at many houses to ask for shelter but they are always turned away. As they approach another prearranged dwelling an "angel" guides them through the village where the children are dressed as shepherds, carrying decorated staffs with ribbons, streamers and bells. All sing to the music as they move along. This last house throws open the door and all enter. The excited children can hardly contain themselves as they wait to get their bag of holiday treats. (candy) Then there are the "pinata's" to be broken. These have a symbolic meaning too. Anyway, the children are blindfolded and they try to break the decorated clay jar. The assembled crowd shrieks encouragement. The larger kids wait while the younger ones try to break the first pinata. When the candy falls to the ground the children scramble for the candy. So this" party in a box" continues with music,candy, fruit and treats for everyone. This is truly a merry religious celebration. The Posadas are far more anticipated than Christmas Day here in Mexico. I'm with them!!

Ok, before you all get tired reading let me tell you what happened next. After this "service" Jack and I headed off to our favorite restaurant for brunch. (We go for brunch every Sunday at home and don't like to break with tradition!) In the "ladies" I meet this interesting Russian-Canadian elderly woman who insists Jack and I join she and her husband for brunch. They are from Southern Ontario (not Toronto) and have been wintering here for eight years. We exclanges a lot of info. and after brunch they suggested we come back to their place to have a look. They think we are paying too much rent. We stroll along and then this Sandra suggests we really need a Margarita before going further! So we stop at this beautiful hotel and enjoy the drinks. Then they take us to a gorgeous place on the lake....which they say we should be renting as it is far better than the place we have. We had to agree. Beautiful units surrounding a big pool and this wonderful huge Lake Chapala. Nicely appointed with all modern conveniences. We will check it out for next year if we come back here. So. On to their place for coffee and to meet their next door neighbours....who were from Halifax (Clayton Park) . I tell you we are everywhere! Anyway, around five o'clock we headed home on foot. So that is how a day here can just slip right through your fingers.....and I know you all want to know what we DO all day!! There you have it.

Today, we have made a bus trip to pick up our mail...first we have received since our arrival on the 14th. of November. Bless Barry for sending it. Not good this service. Anyway, we pay everything on line and that helps. This afternoon and evening we are invited to another N.S. couple's house for drinks and then we all will go ut for dinner. All this because we called to inquire about "Scottish Country Dancing" and the teacher issued this invitation so that we might meet the other dancers.

For those of you that may be interested in talking to us. Download "", get a headset with mike and you can chat to us for FREE!! Our Skype name is kateandjack2 We look forward to hearing from you.

Until next time.....

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Life in the slow lane!

Sat.15th......This entry from Jack,
As Kate said ,we were down at the society this morning for coffee and socializing,the grounds of the society are breathtaking,like a mini botanical garden with every plant being identified and a large pond filled with big goldfish.After borrowing books from the library we went home for lunch and got back just as the maid was leaving,she comes three times a week,it is great not having to make beds or do dishes! I made a simple lunch of beans,eggs and tortillas .We had a lazy afternoon reading,afternoon tea at 3pm.followed by cocktail hour at 5pm. For supper I allowed Kate into the kitchen to help me cook some jumbo shrimp, pasta,green beans and broccoli and a nice bottle of white wine.We usually eat out since it is so cheap to do so here,but we have been doing a lot of that lately so thought we would spend a night home for a change.
Tomorrow morning,Sunday,we will walk over to the society grounds again where a large group of members gather for socializing around 10am.and where tea,coffee and sandwiches are laid on,then there is a guest speaker who talks for an hour on various subjects,tomorrow the talk is on Mexican xmas customs. After that it is time for us to try a new restaurant for our usual Sunday brunch.
Till next time,

Saturday 15 December 2008

Today is Scott's birthday. Looking back to his "birth day" i would have to admit I'd rather be here in Ajijic, Mexico! Not that I don't love my "baby" but labour is NO fun. This is. Besides, he will be here on Wed. and we will have a proper celebraton. Yes.

I have added some pictures. These are of the "Lake Chapala Society" where we go each day to see what's going on. The botanical Gardens are magnificent. Last night we attended a dinner theatre there. The dinner was awful, but the idea was to raise money to buy more books for the library. After dinner some of the members made several presentations. One was a "Legalize" version of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and as he was an attorney it was a splendid rendition. Then another lady did a "Span-Iglese" reading combining both languages and this was quite funny. The crowning glory was "A Christmas Carrol" by Dickens. Several members played several parts and the narrator was especially good. This went on for an hour! All of this entertainment was outside under the trees and the stars. The temperature was about 20C so quite comfortable. We walked home of course as we have no car. This is especially challenging in the dark as the street lights are few and far between and the sidewalk conditions do not improve at night!! All in all it was an interesting evening and now i feel like Christmas might happen here. It is obviously a low key affair. Religious, I guess and not the consumer driven holiday it is in our country. Refreshing!

Today, another brilliant sunshine filled day. I gardened out on my terrace this morning nearly drowning all who passed below as I forgot to turn off the hose! Our maid, who lives across the street let herself in, ran up the stairs and out on the patio and turned off the blasted tap. Jack and I just sat here in wonderment! How nice to have someone look out for your (my) stupidity!

Then it was off to the LCS (Lake Chapala Society) for the morning's cafe (tea for me), library books and chatter with the locals. Also, today the English Newspaper from Guadalajara is puplished so we stopped by the news stand to pick that up. Yeah. Only once a week for the paper! How simple life is here. As I write this there is a parade going on somewhere nearby.....I can hear the band music. Hummm.....wonder what that's all about.....'tis such an adventure living here.

Jack is delivering tea to the terrace so off I must go. We will try to find somewhere to dance tonight.....

Sorry to hear of the snow in Atlantic could always come here for a visit.....

Adios mis amigos (amigas)

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Friday, December 14, 2007

This is my first attempt at inserting a picture! This is where we live for the next five months. I planted the geraniums......It is a three story house (you see only 2 here) You can (just) see the second story terrace where we watch the hummingbirds, various "Flycatchers) and other birds we haven't identified yet. We spend a lot of time out here.

Wes will be so proud of me inserting this pix!!! (He is teahing us this Blog know we couldn't do it on our own don't you?)

So tonight we are going to Lake Chapala Society for a Christmas dinner and reading of Dicken's Christmas Carrol. Will report on that tomorrow. If any of you are interested there is a 75-page website at if you do this you will understand just how busy one can be here. We check the Daily Activities Schedule and decide what we want to do today. We usually visit the place once a day as they are at the end of our block, and have cafe with strangers as a way of meeting new people. I'm amazed that there are more Canadians and Brits than Americans.

OK people.....that's it for now. it's reading time before we go out again.

Buenas tardes.
Kate 'n' Jack
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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Guadalajara, Mexico

13 December 2007

A shopping trip to Guadalajara today. Our rental agent, a charming guy from Vancouver, took us shopping with him today. It was our first look at Guadalajara and we weren't impressed! Of course here is where we went: Costco. Sams . Wall Mart. and a huge, modern shopping mall...we could have been in the USA. Difference? Of course all labels are in Spanish so it means we are illiterate!! I was trying to buy face cream....I like one that has a tint for a little colour, a sun block and some moisture. It finally dawned on me that they don't have tined creams because the Mexican skin is already dark! Duh! I settled for a moisture only. I hope.....cuz I couldn't read that label either. Oh my!

While we were shopping, lunch time arrived and we made a big mistake by going into an "Outback". It was the worst meal we have had since our arrival. They try to make it like the US and fail miserably! We will know better next trip.

Last night we went to the local theatre for a production of "Same time next year". I know, we have all seen this many times before...but this was very well done. The lead male was a guy from Lunnenburg, Nova Scotia and the female lead was from Toronto. How about that? The theatre has been running as the only English one here for 25 years. It was small and pink. Yeah PINK stucco. The bar was outside under the stars. Quite charming. They had several ceramic fire places burning wood so it was quite cozy.....the temperature was 73F....19C (?) Not exactly cold. We went to a German restaurant after for dinner. Very CLEAN!

OK that's it for tonight. Tired.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hola from Jack

Wednesday Dec. 12th.

Here we are having another glorious day in paradise! It is 4.30pm.and we are waiting for friends to pick us up at 5.30,we are going out for dinner followed by a play at a little theatre,we don't know what the play is about,since we are being treated,so it will be a surprise.