Monday, December 17, 2007

Never on a Sunday.....


17 December 2007

Hi All,
Well yesterday was another interesting day in Ajijic for Jack and me. (I?) Where is my high school teacher.

The LCS (Lake Chapala Society) has an "Open Circle" on Sunday morning. First you drink coffee or tea, eat delicious sandwiches and cookies and then chat to whoever you find yourself standing next to. Then there are announcements. Then a short meditation.....Jack can't handle this part.....and then a guest speaker. Well yesterday it was a resident (ex-pat) from the US. She has been living here full time for 17 years. She told us about Mexican Christmas customs which explained a lot of questions I had.

This is the start of "Posada"- Christmas Procession. It is carried out everyday now until Christmas Eve. It symbolizes the journey Joseph and Mary made to find an inn where Mary could give birth to the Christ child. "Joseph" usually in a green robe and yellow head dress leads a docile burro. Riding the burro is "Mary" in virgin blue and white. The entourage is on pilgrimage winding back and forth through the streets of Ajijic for almost an hour. They stop at many houses to ask for shelter but they are always turned away. As they approach another prearranged dwelling an "angel" guides them through the village where the children are dressed as shepherds, carrying decorated staffs with ribbons, streamers and bells. All sing to the music as they move along. This last house throws open the door and all enter. The excited children can hardly contain themselves as they wait to get their bag of holiday treats. (candy) Then there are the "pinata's" to be broken. These have a symbolic meaning too. Anyway, the children are blindfolded and they try to break the decorated clay jar. The assembled crowd shrieks encouragement. The larger kids wait while the younger ones try to break the first pinata. When the candy falls to the ground the children scramble for the candy. So this" party in a box" continues with music,candy, fruit and treats for everyone. This is truly a merry religious celebration. The Posadas are far more anticipated than Christmas Day here in Mexico. I'm with them!!

Ok, before you all get tired reading let me tell you what happened next. After this "service" Jack and I headed off to our favorite restaurant for brunch. (We go for brunch every Sunday at home and don't like to break with tradition!) In the "ladies" I meet this interesting Russian-Canadian elderly woman who insists Jack and I join she and her husband for brunch. They are from Southern Ontario (not Toronto) and have been wintering here for eight years. We exclanges a lot of info. and after brunch they suggested we come back to their place to have a look. They think we are paying too much rent. We stroll along and then this Sandra suggests we really need a Margarita before going further! So we stop at this beautiful hotel and enjoy the drinks. Then they take us to a gorgeous place on the lake....which they say we should be renting as it is far better than the place we have. We had to agree. Beautiful units surrounding a big pool and this wonderful huge Lake Chapala. Nicely appointed with all modern conveniences. We will check it out for next year if we come back here. So. On to their place for coffee and to meet their next door neighbours....who were from Halifax (Clayton Park) . I tell you we are everywhere! Anyway, around five o'clock we headed home on foot. So that is how a day here can just slip right through your fingers.....and I know you all want to know what we DO all day!! There you have it.

Today, we have made a bus trip to pick up our mail...first we have received since our arrival on the 14th. of November. Bless Barry for sending it. Not good this service. Anyway, we pay everything on line and that helps. This afternoon and evening we are invited to another N.S. couple's house for drinks and then we all will go ut for dinner. All this because we called to inquire about "Scottish Country Dancing" and the teacher issued this invitation so that we might meet the other dancers.

For those of you that may be interested in talking to us. Download "", get a headset with mike and you can chat to us for FREE!! Our Skype name is kateandjack2 We look forward to hearing from you.

Until next time.....

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