Monday, February 4, 2008

Brian & Maggie is Ajijic

This is day 6 of our 8 day visit with Jack & kate and we'er still in awe of the place, the climate and the people! Every morning is like the best June mornings we have at home; coolish but bright and sunny and without any biting insects. The Canadian ex-pat community is very open and welcoming and the locals are all polite and friendly. Locals are largely labourers and masons who seem to hold to values of the 1950's. Except on the weekends when the Guadalaharan's arrive to party by the lake and fill up the bars. Typical middle-class folks.

And for me (Brian) the bird life is phenominal; many dozens of species of which we have identified 36 so far of which 23 are new siteings for me. Even counted one wild parrot among them. All seen within three blocks of J&K's place! I could spend weeks here and still not get bored.

Now that our feet have gotten used to the cobblestone streets we have been wandering about through the evenings and really enjoying the place. Typical Spanish style town; 99% of the beauty hidden away within walls running out to the sidewalks. Though no one (yet) seems to mind us peeking into their doorways.

Yesterday PM Maggie talked me into taking in the local Mexican rodeo and we had a ball. Turns out the rodeo is managed just like the country; somewhat organized chaos. 8 or 10 cowboys in the old bullfighting ring showing off their horses, 12 or 18 local young hombres strutting their stuff then suddently a bull & rider are released among them. All is rediculous for about 5 minutes while one guy attempts to ride and all the cowboys try to rope the bull?? Lots of laughs and shared drinks of tequila-lime-salt from the locals ( I figure the alcohol would outdo the potential bac-t. We'll see.).

Restaurants are fabulous, some even a match for Jack's cooking. And the prices are amazingly low. Hardly worth cooking at home.

I think that's all for now. Only two more days to enjoy paradise then back to the reality of home.


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