Friday, January 16, 2009


Where does the time go? I dunno. But the winter is flying by. I know the winter "up north" is c-c-o-l-d so I won't go on about the rain we had late yesterday afternoon and through this is the first time we have seen rain here! Our wonderful friends, Wally and Barb came to our rescue so that we might attend a dinner party given by our other Nova Scotia friends, Kay and Paul Fraser from Kentville. They had invited us for dinner, which is only a 10 minute walk from our place but it was poring when it was time to go. We were unable to get any taxi company to answer their phones so Barb, Wally and Bijou(their darling dog) came to drive us. I mean.....are these wonderful friends....or what!!!

TODAY....another exciting day in Ajijic. Jack went off to his art class. I attended a lecture at LCS which was directed at new comers. How to avoid the pitfalls whether you are renting or buying. The moderator was a very funny Canadian lass who was as amusing as informative. There is such an interesting bunch of people here.....

Tomorrow, we have several folks getting together here first for cocktails and then we shall head next door for a program of music and magic, and gawd knows what....this is Jack's idea!! I'll report later.

We have tickets for several concerts this season and last Tuesday it was two Mexican Pianists of
Russian decent. I thought they were terrific. They preform in the U.S., Asia and Europe. One of my least favorite composers is Claude Debussy (1862-1918) but at their capable hands I even enjoyed this part of the program. After intermission they performed the suite from the ballet Icarus.....I love this. They obliged with two encores......all in all a very pleasant evening spent
with Barb and Wally.

It is easy to get caught up in the social scene here. It is more difficult to focus on the wonderful Mexicans with their sometimes bizarre customs. This month we are trying to find a balance. Jack promises to make an entry tomorrow.......We await our dear friend Maggie's visit next Thursday. A full report will follow!!!

1 comment:

Debra said...

Dear Kate and Jack,

I stumbled onto your blog site from one of the Google Alerts I scan ... and enjoyed so much the enthusiasm for Mexico and Ajijic -- so obvious in your messages -- I felt moved to respond.

My husband and I moved to Ajijic 4 years ago, and each day we feel we love it more than the day before ... we are truly blessed to have found such a special place.

I live my dream every day with a wonderful Mexican horse I purchased 2 years ago ... my first horse ...

My husband, Tom, left behind a very stressful life in the music business ... and is now able to spend his time enjoying many of the same activities you mentioned.

Happily, the social life here in Ajijic takes up a great deal of our time, as does the work we do with some of the local charities. Tom also keeps busy with, and enjoys, selling houses to the many enthusiastic people who have made the decision to retire here.

It's wonderful to read that you've embraced the "giving back" attitude that so many of us Expatriots do ... it brings a great deal of pleasure knowing we're helping these hard-working people.

Good luck with your decision to move here full time ... but it sounds like you might have already made that one ... I just heard from a friend in Wisconsin that it was -22 C yesterday morning (-44 C wind chill) ... assuming they're wearing 2 layers of socks in Nova Scotia.

I hope you continue to have new and wonderful experiences during your annual visits ... like your other friends, we're here permanently, and haven't regretted our decision.

Thanks for the interesting stories ... I was unaware of the meaning behind the seven-sided Christmas piƱatas ... and I think I may have seen Jack, the artist, out enjoying his newfound hobby a time or two, as I have ridden around the village on my horse.

Best to you both,