Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jack is back........again !

It is my turn to bore you with our ongoing adventures of life here in Mexico !
We have kept reasonably well since arriving here in November, although last week I was kept awake one night with a toothache,so next morning I made a visit to one of the local dentists who took an x-ray of the tooth in question and informed me that I had previously had had a root canal performed on that tooth many years ago,and which was now absessed at its base.
The dentist started to drill out the old filling ,but had to stop because the filling used at that time many years ago was metal and I would have to see a specialist who had the proper equipment to remove this and let it drain and clean out before filling it again. I met with the specialist who assured me that she would remove it using laser, meanwhile ,I was given a supply of antibiotics to be taken for the next five days.........I hate the thought of dentists !
I had a bad experience last week, I play bridge every Monday afternoon with my partner Wally,
there are usually 10 or 12 tables at play and half way through one of the gents just slumped in his chair and died on the was very upsetting to say the least.
Tomorrow morning, Sunday which will be the first of February, we will attend open circle followed by brunch at one of our many favorite restaurants, and for the rest of the after noon we will play bridge, and booze it up with a couple of our other good friends who also hail from Halifax, and then we will go out for dinner and booze it up some more...what a life!

1 comment:

Ivy said...

Grretings from warm and suny Halifax on Saturday Feb. 7, 2009.
Jack taje care of teh tooth, I remember my Dad putting a string around your tooth and slamming the door. If that did not make you, you know what nothing would.

Jack, I like your artwork - it's very pleasing.

Kate a new camers, Jack is special and that goes without saying, you won't have to remind him Valentine's Day is coming and Happy B'Day.

We got clobbered with a snow storm last week, it brought snow, freezing rain ad more snow all in 8 hours. Dresden Row was a skating rink for 2 days - but today is sunny, warm and last week has been forgotten. Oyr days are gettign longe with nightfall at 6pm.

Happy blogging I will visit again.
